al-halqa (is that how it's pronounced)
by University of Texas Theatre & Dance
Apr. 29 - May. 01, 2016
Friday, Sunday
Two American brothers journey to a far-away land for a weekend escape. They’ve come to bridge the gulf of mistruths that are widening between them. They’ve come to be good tourists. They’ve come to run away. But this is not their country, not their tradition – and this tale is not theirs to tell. A comedy of lies and stories that melds travelogue with Moroccan folk tales.
Directed by Sam Provenzano
Designed by Kelsey Vidic
Written by Drew Paryzer
Baylie Figueroa
Matthew Hernandez
Shanaya Kapai
Brooks Laney
Mario Ramirez
Chance Steward
al-halqa (is that how it's pronounced)
by Drew Paryzer
University of Texas Theatre & Dance
Friday, Sunday,
April 29 - May 01, 2016
April 29 - May 01, 2016
Lab Theatre
Between Jackson Geological Sciences Bldg (JGB) and the Winship Drama Bldg (WIN), near 24th and San Jacinto
University of Texas
Austin, TX, 78712
Between Jackson Geological Sciences Bldg (JGB) and the Winship Drama Bldg (WIN), near 24th and San Jacinto
University of Texas
Austin, TX, 78712
Three performances – Friday 4/29 (evening) and Sunday 5/1 (matinee + evening)
Performances will take place in room 1.134 of the Winship Drama Building at UT Austin on the following dates:
Friday, April 29th at 7:30 PM
Sunday, May 1st at 2:00 PM
Sunday, May 1st at 7:30 PM
The show will run approximately 70 minutes.
(We are able to offer free attendance, and develop all other aspects of this workshop production, due to support from Scriptworks' Seed Support Fund. For more information about ScriptWorks, visit
- F. Loren Winship Drama Building - F. Loren Winship Drama Building Room 1.134, Austin, TX 78712 - View Map