Austin Latino New Play Festival
by Teatro Vivo

May. 01 - May. 03

2025 Austin Latinx New Play Festival

Teatro Vivo Presents:
2025 Austin Latinx New Play Festival
May 1, 2, 3, 2025

La liga de la decencia By Jessica Peña Torres
It’s 1945 and Mexico is traversing a time of relative political stability. A teatro de revista welcomes audiences from all walks of life to enjoy a night out in vice capital, Mexico City. Leading the troupe is a nameless EMCEE who presents a variety of acts on a dusty wooden stage. Among the characters he introduces are the rumbera María Antonieta Pons, Blanca Nieves and her siete hermanos, ballerina Anna Pavlova, two Aztec Eagle pilots of the Mexican Air Force, and Xiadani, an Indigenous woman. One night, as the theatre is booming with a lively audience, the EMCEE begins hearing and seeing strange images and sounds. The show turns into a search to find whoever is causing the interruptions.


Fracturados by Norma del Toro
Coming Soon

These are my Papers: Performance Lecture by Virginia Grise
Part conversation, part work in progress viewing and part performance, award-winning interdisciplinary artist Virginia Grise and her collaborators share both personal stories and historical research related to their newest theater project, rasgos asiáticos.  rasgos asiáticos traces the diasporic journeys and hidden histories of Chinese communities in Mexico and along the US-MX border through a hybrid, convivial, approach to storytelling that includes a site-responsive installation, communal dinners, public talks and community workshops.

ZEQ by Ramón Esquivel

Ezequiel “ZEQ” Zapata is annoyed to be spending their 17th birthday working at The Pop, a burger joint in a rural town. Coworkers LOLO, JC, and bestie PANCHITA try to cheer up ZEQ, but The Pop is slammed. Then a bus carrying a school choir pulls up, and ZEQ spots dreamy DANILO for the first time. Time moves slowly. Music plays. Fingers touch in a bag of tater tots. Electricity. ZEQ and Danilo share dreams of pop stardom. Danilo writes songs, so he and ZEQ exchange TikToks and make plans to duet later. ZEQ is certain that fame, fortune, and love are within reach. But there is one problem: ZEQ doesn’t sing or dance well. Like, at all. What happens when dreams meet reality?

Frijolebeans by Raul Garza

Friolebeans is a play about the indescribable joys and heartaches of growing up in two cultures. It’s about realizing you’re not different–you’re you. In the play, when Gabriela dies suddenly, her grown children Rita, Lucía, and Georgy battle for ownership of her final pot of frijoles. As the siblings quarrel, a series of frijol-guides manifests from the humble Country Crock container, provoking the siblings to re-examine their identity, privilege and Latinidad. In the end, Rita, Lucía, and Georgy discover the richness of familia where they least expect it.


Austin Latino New Play Festival
by various
Teatro Vivo

May 01 - May 03, 2025
Winship Drama Building (WIN), University of Texas
300 East 23rd Street
Austin, TX, 78712

May 1 - 3, 2025

University of Texas, Austin