The Box of Stories
by Scottish Rite Theater
Apr. 19 - May. 11, 2025
Anyone showing up to a theater with a ticket is coming to hear a story be told. Anyone attending “Box of Stories” [ . . .] is going to see a play about storytelling. Yes, it’s kind of meta. But this new children’s show,[ . . .] is all about the importance of the art of storytelling, the practice that defines theater and the impact it has on society.
Written by J. S. Puller – aka Jessica Puller [ . . .] – “Box of Stories” weaves together mythology from across the globe. Trickster gods Coyote, Loki and Anansi (figures originating from Native American, Norse and African culture, respectively) hijack the art of storytelling from the human race and lock them away in a magical box. The story’s heroine is a young girl who releases the tales back into the world, learning their lessons and morals that shape humanity.
“Playwrights really love to tackle mythology,” Puller says. “This story really combines all of it. I have stories from Vietnam, India, the Middle East, Greece – of course, Africa and Native American cultures. I bring it all together to create this universal experience.
-- Jesse North,, via New Jersey Stage, 2017
The Box of Stories
by J.S. Puller
Scottish Rite Theater
April 19 - May 11, 2025
April 19 - May 11, 2025
Scottish Rite Theatre, Austin