Cohen New Works Festival
by University of Texas Theatre & Dance

Apr. 07 - Apr. 11

For one whole week, The Cohen New Works Festival at The University of Texas at Austin celebrates original, multidisciplinary artistic work created by the students of UT and showcased all around campus. Watch as classrooms, lecture halls and outdoor spaces are transformed into stages to exhibit new plays and dance performances. We are especially excited to launch a Reading Series for our new play debuts, which will be held in our Lab Theatre. Student artists are encouraged to bring their bold ideas to fruition and put them on display for the Austin community at large. This is more than just a festival – this is where New Meets Now! 

Cohen New Works Festival
by various
University of Texas Theatre & Dance

April 07 - April 11, 2025
Winship Drama Building (WIN), University of Texas
300 East 23rd Street
Austin, TX, 78712

April 7 - 11, 2025, M-F, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.daily

Winship Drama Building (WN), University of Texas, Austin

Free admission