Halloween Costume Sale
by ATXTheatre

Oct. 19 - Oct. 20


(www.atxtheatre.org)ATX Theatre, your theatregoing hub, is back again with the sassiest Costume Extravaganza and Thrift Sale in Austin which benefits more than 80 local non-profit theatre companies.

Last year we had 12 racks of costumes. This year so far we have more than 50 racks of premium costumes, designer clothing and bags, vintage pieces, coats and jackets, armor, renaissance wear, sci-fi clothing, amazing accessories, hats, shoes, and kids' costumes, with more donations coming in all the time. And that is before several theatre companies join us!

We'll have local theatrical costumers on hand to help you curate your perfect look and onsite alterations available for an extra charge. We'll even have a rack of free costume pieces and clothing as a way to give back to our community. Come by and shop and find out about the amazing local theatre scene here in Austin.

We'll even have delicious snacks and drinks to give you energy while you shop. There will be mirrors to try on costumes but no dressing rooms so wear an underlayer.

If you would like to donate costumes, clothing, or accessories to benefit the local community please contact info@atxtheatre.org.

If you are a local theatre company who would like to show up and sell your excess stock and keep the proceeds, please fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/JytoiFZatd4mxA1n8


Halloween Costume Sale
by ATXTheatre participants

October 19 - October 20, 2024
Memorial United Methodist Church
6100 Berkman Drive
Austin, TX, 7723

Saturday and Sunday, Oct 19-20, 2024, 11 AM to 5 PM

Admission to the sale is free, but we’d like you to sign up for tickets theough the system (CLICK HERE) so we can plan for the number of attendees.