Ephemera (inspired by the Chicago Neo-Futurists)
by Jeremy Sweetlamb

Jun. 27 - Jun. 29

Ephemera (inspired by the Chicago Neo-Futurists) is 30 original plays in 60 minutes performed in the neo-futurist style of theatre. It is fast, intimate, disgusting, immediate, personal, vulnerable, innovative, daring, and fucking REAL, man. Expect to laugh, awww, and maybe even feel the poignancy. The Neo-Futurists are a respected troupe of theatre makers in Chicago, New York, and San Francisco. We wanted to show that Austin is in the same rarified air, if even for just one weekend.


(via JS)


Kelly Hasandras says, “This show is unlike anything you’ve seen.”

Mike D’Alonzo says,” I never thought I would be covered in this much gravy on a stage.”


Sample headlines:

Chicago Institution Inspires Plucky Austin Theatricians

Oldish Actors Make Slightly Older Audience Members Uncomfortable at Hyde Park

Ephemera Keeps Austin Feared


Cast: Mike D’Alonzo, Adrian Prado, Jennifer Bannister, Kelly Hasandras, Graham Skipper, Jeremy Sweetlamb

Tech: Nate Archer

Ephemera (inspired by the Chicago Neo-Futurists)
by ensemble
Jeremy Sweetlamb

June 27 - June 29, 2024
Hyde Park Theatre
511 West 43rd Street
Austin, TX, 78751

June 27, 28, and 29, 2024

Hyde Park Theatre, 511 W. 43rd St.

Tickets $15 through the Hyde Park web site: https://www.hydeparktheatre.org