Long Day's Journey into Night
by Second Act Productions

Mar. 27, 2024

World Theatre Day is celebrated every year on March 27th to celebrate the essence, beauty, and importance of theatre arts, their significant role in entertainment, and the symbolic impact that theatre has on life. 

Second Act Productions is commemorating this day with a ONE DAY only staged reading of the classic play Long Day’s Journey Into Night.

This Tony- and Pulitzer-Prize-Award-winning play, written by Eugene O’Neil, portrays a family struggling to grapple with the realities and consequences of each member’s failings. The parents and two sons blame and resent each other for various reasons; bitterness and jealousy serve as proxies for ultimately failed attempts at tenderness and compassion. The family’s enduring emotional and psychological stress is fueled by their shared self-analysis, combined with articulate honesty. The story deals with addiction, unfulfilled dreams, moral flaws, and the struggle of family relationships.

Long Day's Journey into Night
by Eugene O'Neill
Second Act Productions

March 27, 2024
Second Act Performance Center
20318 Huebner Rd, Suite 125
San Antonio, TX, 78258

Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 7 p.m.

Second Act Production Studios

20318 Huebner Road, # 125, San Antonio, 78258


Free admission