And Then There Were None
by Wimberley Players

Jun. 30 - Jul. 23, 2023


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A classic Agatha Christie dark thriller-mystery-whodunit, ten strangers are invited to a remote mansion not knowing the identity of their host. The guests have nothing in common but a wicked past and a secret. When the first guest is murdered, they grasp that the have been tricked by a manic with revenge on his mind. Set in the living room of a house on Soldier Island, off the coast of Devon, England over three days in August. The assembled guests are played a recording accusing each of them of a murder. And then, as in the classic children’s rhyme, one by one each falls prey to their own murder.

AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by Agatha Christie, a mystery thriller
Directed by Rebecca Woods
Justice Lawrence Wargrave: Danny Mosier
Vera Claythorne: Emily-Ann Patterson
Phillip Lombard: William Windle
William Blore: Greg Dew
Dr Armstrong: Ron Lessane
Emily Brent: Karen Rudy
Rogers: Steven Cruser
Ethel Rogers: Cynthia Cruser
General MacKenzie: Jim Bast
Anthony Marston: Phillip Trieu
Fred Naracott – Matt Howard


And Then There Were None
by Agatha Christie
Wimberley Players

June 30 - July 23, 2023
Wimberley Playhouse
450 Old Kyle Road
Wimberley, TX, 78676

 June 30 – July 23, 2023, Fridays and Saturdays 7:30 pm, Sundays at 2:30 p.m.

Wimberley Players

Tickets: Adults $22, Students with ID $18


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