Justice on Trial
by touring company

Feb. 12, 2023

Two civil rights attorneys, Michael Crump (inspired by national civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump) and Elaine Black, are suing the U.S. Justice Department for reparations on behalf of the descendants of slaves.

To help convince the mixed-race jury, it features "traveler expert witnesses" portraying black history icons Harriet Tubman, Medgar Evers & Emmett Till.

The story is punctuated by references to modern-day race-tinged injustices encountered by Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown Jr.

Dr. Cooper said the multi-racial cast digs deep in exploring America's tumultuous history of slavery, racial injustice, the Civil Rights Movement and Trump administration politics. Despite addressing past and modern issues of race, the play is suitable for all ages. The goal is to get people to think about the lasting vestiges of slavery and the country's evolving racial issues, including police-involved shootings.

Justice on Trial
by Chad Lawson Cooper
touring company

February 12, 2023
King-Seabrook Chapel
Huston-Tillotson University
900 Chicon Street
Austin, TX, 78702

Sunday, February 12, 2023 at 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

King-Seabrook Chapel at Huston-Tillotson University

Tickets: general admission $100 (telephone for discount rate: 212 786-6460 or visit www.thechadcoopercompanyonbroadway.com