Synge + Barry
by Different Stages
Apr. 30 - May. 07, 2021
John Millington Synge’s comedy In the Shadow of the Glen is a tale of a tramp seeking shelter from a storm who finds a wife tending the corpse of her dead husband.
Directed by Karen Jambon; the reading cast is Sarah Seaton, Tom Chamberlain, Robert Stevens and Will Douglas.
J.M. Barrie’s comedy The Old Lady Shows Her Medals is the story of a charwoman who meets regularly with three fellow charwomen. The constant topic of conversation is the battles of World War I and whose son has a higher rank and is more heroic.
Directed by Norman Blumensaadt; the reading cast is Katherine Schroeder, Mason Anthony Ortiz, Kristin Fern Johnson, Mary Alice Carnes, Miriam Rubin, Derick Webster and Iain Gillies.
Synge + Barry
by John Millington Singe and J.M. Barry
Different Stages
via internet
Everywhere, TX, 78700
Live April 30, 2021 at 8 PM
On the Different Stages YouTube Channel
And Available on demand May 1-7, 2021
The presentation is FREE. Donation to Different Stages accepted.
The Performances are Friday April 30 at 8 PM live and on demand and May 1-7 on Different Stages YouTube Channel.
For donations go to
Or click on this link:
Tickets for Donation to Different Stages | TicketWeb - Online Donation in Austin, US