The Method Gun
by University of Texas Theatre & Dance

Oct. 04 - Oct. 05, 2019


Returning to the Texas Theatre and Dance stage, The Method Gun explores the life and techniques of Stella Burden, actor-training guru of the 1960s and 70s, whose sudden emigration to South America still haunts her most fervent followers. Burden's training technique, The Approach (often referred to as "the most dangerous acting technique in the world"), fused Western acting methods with risk-based rituals in order to infuse even the smallest role with sex, death and violence.


The Method Gun
University of Texas Theatre & Dance

October 04 - October 05, 2019
B. Iden Payne Theatre
300 East 23rd Street
Austin, TX, 78712

Oct 4 – 5, 2019

B. Iden Payne Theatre, Winship Drama Bldg, University of Texas at Austin