The Pretty Trap
by Playhouse 2000

Mar. 10, 2019

If you saw our prior preview performance, you know that The Pretty Trap is an unusual play, in that, despite being written by Tennessee Williams, it has a happy ending!

The Pretty Trap
by Tennessee Williams
Playhouse 2000

March 10, 2019
Cailloux City Center for the Performing Arts & VK Garage Theatre
305 Washington Street
Kerrville, TX, 78028
We're hosting a Preview of our one-act play The Pretty Trap by Tennessee Williams on SUNDAY, MARCH 10TH AT 7:00 PM IN THE CAILLOUX THEATER.
We will travel to Baytown, Texas on Wednesday to take our place among twelve companies from across the state seeking an invitation to the Regional AACT/Fest scheduled for May.
There's no admission charge to enjoy this 45-minute play.
Please join us for a delightful evening of theater, and support this cast and crewas they do their best to represent Playhouse 2000 and Kerrville across the state.