Strip, The Musical
by Salvage Vanguard Theater

May. 20, 2017

STRIP by Amparo Garcia-Crow is an epic telling of the lives of the famous stripper Candy Barr, foul mouthed comedian Lenny Bruce, and entertainer extraordinaire Josephine Baker. A cautionary tale about the cost of “telling the truth.”  How Lenny, Candy, and Josephine intertwine and “bear it all” –is STRIP. 

Strip, The Musical
by Amparo Garcia-Crow
Salvage Vanguard Theater

May 20, 2017
Susanna Dickinson Museum
411 E. 5th Street
Austin, TX, 78701

A staged reading at the Susanna Dickinson Museum at 7 p.m., Saturday, May 20, 2017

Follows the 4 p.m. staged reading of Taji Senior's Amendment

Admission free for both

OR CALL 512-474-7886


Susanna Dickinson House, 411 E Fifth St., Austin TX