Daily Texan Multimedia: Swings Asunder by Sky Candy Aerial Productions to July 3 at the Rollins Theatre (Video by Heather Finnegan and Jesus Nazario)

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Swings Asunder
by Nathan Brumbaugh and Sky Candy Aerial Arts
Sky Candy

June 20 - July 03, 2015
Rollins Theatre
Long Center
701 Riverside at South First,
Austin, TX, 78704

Swings Asunder opens on Saturday June 20th, 2015 and will be held at The Rollins Theatre at the Long Center, located at 701 West Riverside Drive in downtown Austin. General Admission tickets are $25, VIP tickets are $50, and student and senior tickets are $10 (student and senior tickets only available at the door). There will be a limited number of $15 early bird tickets available online for each show. There are also discounted group ticket rates available for groups of 10+.

Tickets can be purchased on-line at the Long Center ticketing site (click here).

The show will run at the following dates and times:

Saturday, June 20, 8 pm
Sunday, June 21, 2 & 8 pm
Thursday, June 25, 8 pm
Friday, June 26, 8 pm
Saturday, June 27, 2 & 8 pm
Sunday, June 28, 2 pm
Monday, June 29, 8 pm
Thursday, July 2, 8 pm
Friday, July 3, 8 pm

This production has been generously funded by The Creative Fund's Q Rental Subsidy Grant program. The Creative Fund is a funding mechanism that provides much needed support to local performing artists enabling them to further their creative endeavors. 

This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.