Aaron Black Surveys CTX Actors on Training & Background; Responses Invited

Austin and Central Texas Actors and Directors: Please help me out with some data. 

Aaron Black as art deal Sagot in Present Company's 'Picassso at the Lapin Agile'

As a teacher and organizer of a few different groups, I am interested in artists' training backgrounds, experiences, and preferences. If this goes well, I'd like it to be the first in a series of different topics, so a future survey might focus on auditions, or collaboration, or common interests within our community of artists. Also the last question in this survey is open ended, so if you have an idea, or want to be contacted about certain types of groups or classes (existing or potential) feel free to write that in, along with an email and phone number (only if it's okay to share with teachers or group members or organizers). Thanks for your help!

Aaron Black

Click to go to 10-question survey