Video Promo: OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck, Warehouse Living Arts Center, Corsicana

(Video promo via Warehouse Living Arts Center)

Two migrant field hands with delusions of living off the “fat of the land,” George and his friend, the strong but mentally challenged Lennie, find work on a farm in California during the Great Depression.

Lennie’s obsessions with things soft and cuddly make George cautious about who the gentle giant, with his brute strength, associates with. His promise to allow Lennie to “tend to the rabbits” on their future land keeps Lennie calm, amidst distractions, as the overgrown child needs constant reassurance. But when a ranch boss’ promiscuous wife stirs up trouble it causes George to worry about his own safety, and Lennie's. Realizing they can’t run away anymore, George is faced with a moral question: How should he deal with Lennie before the ranchers find him and take matters into their own hands?

Directed by Sandra Mullenax.

Of Mice and Men
by John Steinbeck
Warehouse Living Arts Center

June 25 - June 30, 2024
Warehouse Living Arts Center
119 W 6th Ave
Corsicana, TX, 75110

June 25 - 30, 2024

Warehouse Living Arts Center, Corsicana

Tickets available HERE