CTX3460. Austin's FronteraFest: Applications Accepted until November 1.

FronteraFest 2024 opens Call for Entries  

Austin’s longest-running performance festival now accepting applications  
through November 1, 2023 

(via FronteraFest)FronteraFest (the “Fest”), Austin’s longest-running, and well-known performance festival is currently accepting applications for performers of all styles and genres through November 1, 2023.  


FronteraFest will include three different components. The Short Fringe (pieces 25 minutes or less) will run the entirety of the festival (January 16 – February 17), taking place at Hyde Park Theatre, 511 West 43rd Street. Bring Your Own Venue (B.Y.O.V.) runs January 22 through February 4, at various locations throughout Austin and the third component, Mi Casa es Su Teatro takes place one day only on Saturday, February 10, primarily in private Austin homes.   

FronteraFest has long been an open opportunity for emerging artists to get their work on stage and for established artists to try new things.  


For the duration of the Short Fringe, every night will feature a new, unjuried bill of four or five performances no more than 25 minutes each. Slots are limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply for Short Fringe, or B.Y.O.V., participants may complete and submit an application online (www.hydeparktheatre.org) with non-refundable ($50 fee Short Fringe, $250 B.Y.O.V.) by October 1, (note - after October 1, Short Fringe fee is $60).  


Those interested in performing in Mi Casa or sharing their home for a performance can contact FronteraFest Producer, Christina J. Moore, directly at fronterafest@hydeparktheatre.org


Moore, the Executive Artistic Director of ScriptWorks says, “Last year was our first year back after COVID-19 and it was heartening to see a surge in applications. I think everyone glad that FronteraFest is back in full swing and we look forward to a full slate of performances of all sorts: short plays, monologues, improv, dance, cabaret, performance art, and all kinds of experimentation. The unexpected is what FronteraFest is all about.”   


Hyde Park Theatre Artistic Director, Ken Webster, who has been involved in every FronteraFest since the first Fest in 1993 says, “FronteraFest is such an eclectic and  exciting blend of performers – with both well-established local artists trying out new material and newcomer artists getting their work seen by Austin audiences for the first time.” 


Full details, applications and payment information can be found at www.hydeparktheatre.org.  


About Hyde Park Theatre: 

Hyde Park Theatre develops writers, designers, directors, and actors from within the Austin community, while at the same time producing works by exciting new and established voices of the alternative theatre scene. We will work with a broad and diverse base of local artists to produce theater that confronts, challenges, and entertains. We have a strong commitment to paying local writers, actors, and designers a decent wage for their work, and to expanding the base of working artists in Austin. We hope to diversify and expand the audience for theater in Austin, making theater accessible and essential across lines of income, class, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. www.hydeparktheatre.org  


About ScriptWorks: 

ScriptWorks is a playwright driven organization that seeks to promote the craft of dramatic writing and to protect the playwright's integrity by encouraging playwright initiative and harnessing collective potential. www.scriptworks.org


This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department and by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and from The National Endowment for the Arts. Arts Work.