Call for Ten-Minute Playscripts: FLIP SIDE REDUX by TILT Performance Group, Austin, Deadline March 15, 2019


We’re seeking original, ten-minute plays for FLIP SIDE REDUX, to be presented by TILT and Superior HealthPlan this June at Ground Floor Theatre!

Submitted plays may be written for 1-3 actors. They should take the form of fairy tales, allegories, fables, or similar genres that make use of heightened, fanciful environments, characters, language, narratives, and modes of storytelling. In addition, plays should focus in some way on the "flip side," i.e., novel vantage points on otherness: what might the grass look like on the other side? what exactly is (an)other? who lives on the other side of the tracks? Plays that incorporate comedic elements are particularly encouraged.

All submissions are due by Friday, March 15th, 2019 at 5 pm. Please email your submission to Gail Dalrymple, Executive Director of TILT, at 

Please let Gail know via email by Friday, March 1st if you intend to submit a play. Playwrights will be notified of the status of their submission by Monday, April 1st, 2019. 

Thanks in advance to all playwrights who consider submitting their work for consideration!

Graphic Design: Scottie Ferguson
📷: Dave Hawks Photography


(via TILT Performance Group)