Funding Appeal Video by Jake Salinas: St. Edward's University BFA Acting Class, 2018


Hello! We are the BFA Acting Class of 2018 at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas.

As we take on senior year, we are starting to prepare for life after College as professional actors. This means we are raising money to work on creating websites, trying to expand our reel, getting headshots, and bring in guest artists to share their professional advice and training, and see our showcase. We will be working on in-depth scene study, and will perform a public showcase in Austin, at the Mary Moody Northen Theater. In order to have exposure, we are arranging to fly in agents and casting directors from L.A. to see our performance. 

The class: Luxy Banner, Blake Browning, Chloe Cox, Tiara DorSchelle, Viviana Garcia, Gabrielle Gaudette, Damon Gibson, Katrin Otterness, Jake Salinas, Daniel Sullivan, Jessica Thompson, and Cassandra Valentin.