Symbolic Soul
"My name is Symbolic Soul, the name God called me to through His Spirit. I was BORN of my parents, then BORN of the Spirit. I was moved from New Orleans by divine intervention to San Antonio after a life changing event! My journey to truly meet God and do things that could not be done in New Orleans begin. My calling was clear! God called me out of the grave to give this gift to others through soul felt poetry.
I have had a colorful life, a difficult past, and times of loss and despair, but now that I am truly free I want to offer hope to others. My testimony given through words meant to hit hearts with fiery arrows designed to start a wildfire. I want everyone I touch to be able to say like me, "I am FREE to be authentically me and I am a child of GOD." I am passionate about inspiring and motivating people. I have a beautiful soul and I know that God chose me to be a vessel for healing and winning souls. I speak life and truth through my poetry. I hope that one day my words change the world.
I write poetry to deliver hope to the hopeless. To encourage and motivate others to keep going. My poetry is special because I deliver thought provoking poetry that touches minds, bodies, hearts and souls. My poetry is meant to heal souls. Many of us are blessed to wake up each and everyday. Life is beautiful! Throughout life I was taught some valuable lessons. Now, I use those lessons to tell my truth. I try not to take the 24 hours for granted. Hopefully, me telling my truth will help others do the same."
Contact Information
Kelli A. McEwen
Webform for contact is at the bottom of the front page of website (click HERE)