Round-About Players

Round About Players is a student organization that was founded in 2002 by University of Texas alumni Jay Asterman. Jay desired that Round About Players exist as student organization that provides an outlet for students of all majors to explore multiple aspects of theatre.

In 2012, ten years after its creation, Theatre and Dance students Sean Tecson and Addie Arnold re-focused Round About Players as an organization that produces works of theatre that challenges the artistic skills of its members.


Our mission is to cultivate, enrich, and support undergraduate students at the University of Texas at Austin by producing theatre that is engaging, exhilarating, and daring.


We hope to encourage undergraduate students in their artistic endeavors to produce theatre, as well as to create opportunities for multiple talents to be showcased on and off of the stage.

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Contact Information

If you are interested in contacting Round About Players please send an email to: