Reviews for K Zamore Performances

Review: Deadly Sins by K Zamore, Zamore Foundation at Mary Hardin Baylor University

Review: Deadly Sins by K Zamore, Zamore Foundation at Mary Hardin Baylor University

by Michael Meigs
Published on February 15, 2024

Playwright Zamora's message is clear -- virtuous, hardworking people may find themselves in an emotional wilderness. But God never forgets you.

Theatre is community; it has always been community, from its formal origins in ancient Greece through our own day. In his  2008 essay The Necessity of Theater philospher Paul Woodruff defined theater as "the art by which human beings make or find human action worth watching." People gather at an appointed place and time to witness an action. The audience may be vast -- think of the 57th Superbowl of last Sunday -- or it …

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