Gibbous Moon Productions
Gibbous Moon Productions is a nonprofit theatre company located in Brenham Tx. Over the past two years, we have produced five theatrical performances in the Washington County area, working with future theatre professionals and the community. Our shows to date include: Lucky Man by Wilson Upchurch, Tortoise & Hare by Allen Robertson, The Dining Room by A.R. Gurney, Treasure Island by Ken Ludwig, and Dani Girl by Christopher Dimond. On August 9th-11th, 2018 we will premiere Cabaret by Kander & Ebb, the first musical to be performed in the newly renovated Simon Theatre/ Barnhill Center in Historic Downtown Brenham.
-- August, 2018
Executive Producers/Artistic Directors: Troy Freeman & Andrew Mueller
Associate Producer: Olivia Roberts
Chief Creative Officer (and the guy who drives the truck when we have heavy stuff to carry): Dylan Strickland
Contact Information
For more information contact:
Phone: 979 203-1975
Mailing Address: 2720 Bluebonnet Blvd Brenham, Texas
Simon Theatre
111 W. Main St.
Brenham, TX, 77833