Chess Theatre Company

The Chess Theatre Company seeks to promote theatre arts & artists through community, collaboration, and encouragement. 

Artists audition twice annually to become a "player" within the company. The chosen assembly of players will act in all shows during the two company seasons (Winter-June; June - December). Our opening season will begin in 2015. 

The Core Company of Chess Theatre Co. consists of young professionals within a field that relates to their administrative duties within the company. Each member of the Core Company is allowed to audition for a role within the playing season. The Core Company is still being assembled. If you are interested, and have ambitious career goals within a specific field, please email

Throughout the year we will throw fundraisers to support our efforts. Each fundraiser will share it's proceeds with another theatre company in an effort to promote Austin-wide theatre. The greatest cost of producing theatre in Austin is renting a space. If you or anyone you know has a venue that may be available, please let us know.

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Contact Information

Phone: (972) 989 - 7667