Unbury Your Gays
by Broad Theatre

Mar. 15 - Mar. 16

At a sleepover the night before their first middle school dance, Sawyer announces she will kiss a Boy while the chaperones aren't looking. A pinky promise leaves Carolina with no other choice but to help. Meanwhile, a 19th century Necromancer unearths a Corpse and her last secret as she digs up the truth of what they were to each other. Historians will say They Were Really Good Friends. Sweet and silly and sad, unbury your gays is a coming of age comedy that captures the tragedies of girlhood, friendship, and growing up—and the ways a desire for more can haunt us.


By Maxine Dillon

Directed by Kairos Looney


Stage Manager: Molly Fonseca



First round - March 15th at Tapestry (2015 E Riverside Dr Bldg 7 ATX 78741)  from 5:20 PM - 8:00 PM. Please submit an audition form and select a time. Slots are 10-minute increments and you will be reading sides from the script.

Callbacks - March 16th at Tapestry from 4:30 - 7:00 PM. More information will be sent directly to those invited to callbacks.


Rehearsals will begin mid-late April and will be scheduled around the actor’s availability, mostly evenings and weekends. Rehearsals will be in various locations around central Austin. Tech week is May 18th - 21st. Performances run May 22nd - June 7th on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Performances are at Hyde Park Theatre. 


Available Roles:

Actors will receive a $600 stipend. Actors must be 18 or older to audition. The role of Carolina has already been cast.


forgot the quiz is today, but we have to go!!!, fourteen and a half, has seen too many movies, afraid she will turn fifteen before she has her first kiss. Who also plays Corpse: fine stitching, British yes, beloved, afraid she will become one of the ghosts that haunts you.



Literary Rally, his mom made fruit leather, a boy in your Spanish class. Who also plays Historian: lectures Britishly, a man in your parlour come to call, fond of Herodotus, with theories of his own.


About Broad Theatre
