Stargaze Theatre Festival
by Star Bandit Foundation

Sep. 06 (2024)

Stargaze Theater Festival is a showcase of 6 original short plays written by local Texas playwrights. Each play is roughly 15-20 minutes in length- and auditions, rehearsals, and performances for all six plays will be held on the same days.


Heroes of the Forest by Rod Sanchez

A noble deer, who dreams of being a hero, embarks on the journey of a lifetime. A simple heroic tale for those brave enough to dream.


Recession Pop by Sarah Waddle

A woman struggling with inertia at the end of the world desperately seeks purpose and strives to make up for wasted time before it is too late.


Salt & Pepper by Marcus Delzell

A frustrated waiter navigates the chaotic intersection of relationships and existential struggles, finding clarity in the mundane act of microwaving dinner.


A Bird Hesitates by John Redstone

A painter, paralyzed by creative doubt, finds new inspiration and purpose when an old friend, a musician, offers a fresh perspective, leading them to transform their work through a series of public displays.


Sherlock Holmes Vs Sweeney Todd by Robbie Bland

The world's greatest detective investigates the murders of the demon barber of Fleet Street.


Speech, Speech by Dalton Anderson

At a wedding reception, an uninvited ex-lover takes the stage, unraveling the carefully curated facade of a "perfect" celebration, leading to a catastrophic confrontation.


Open auditions September 6, 2024 from 7 p.m.

Callbacks on September 7

Star Bandit Foundation, 311 W. 7th St., Austin, TX 78701 --  click HERE for Facebook page