Willy Wonk-Wurst
by Circle Arts Theatre

Sep. 18 (2022)

This melodrama for the New Braunfels Wurst Fest is a fast-paced, audience-participation, ridiculous comedy. Performers must be ready for big deliveries, improv, puns and a lot of physical comedy.

Auditions for this year’s melodrama are right around the corner! This year’s installment is “Willy WonkWurst and the Sausage Factory.” There are parts for 8-10 zany performers. FYI: The “kids” in the show will be teens, adults, and everything in between, but not little kids. 

Auditions will be help September 18th, 2022 at 7 pm. We will have cold readings from the script and improvisation. Rehearsals will begin in October. Performances are November 4-13. Daily at 7:30, Saturdays at 4 & 7:30, Sundays 4 pm only.

For additional questions or to set up a different audition time, please call 830-837-6172 or email us at circleartstheatre@gmail.com