The Last Five Years
by Openstage Theatre Company
Aug. 06 - Aug. 16 (2019)
[image from mile high critics on wordpress]
From Rachel Holdman:
Hi! Openstage Theatre Company is a brand new company producing the musical The Last Five Years! The show will be at Buena Vista Theatre on UTSA's downtown campus on November 15,16,17.
We are actively looking for a man to play Jamie. Must have advanced musicianship skills and aged 20-35.
JAMIE WELLERSTEIN - Male, 25-35, vocal range: A2 - Bb4 Jamie arcs from an ambitious guy on a promising first date with a dazzling career to someone who is blinded by success and ego. He is lovable, yet makes unintentional choices that sabotage his own happiness
We are asking for video submission due August 16th. You may sing anything from a musical!
After that we will invite some to a meet and greet to get to know you better! I hope some of you will submit a video.
Please email- If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or the email address! Thanks!