Ghost Light
by Ghost Light Collective
Aug. 05 - Aug. 06 (2019)
Ghost Light will be a completely devised horror show about the ghosts, spirits and ancestors that linger in our lives. The show’s main theme will involve a group of diverse actors locked in a theatre with a poltergeist. Their knowledge, experience and wits are all the weapons these actors need to endure an encounter they will never forget.
Seeking 5 – 6 P.O.C., Queer, and Allies to join a new company looking to twist horror tropes, relive and revive ghost stories, who are enthusiastic about doing devised work.
The show runs October 17th – October 26th, 2019 at the Santa Cruz Theatre, with rehearsals beginning
August 12th on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Paid. Directed by Chelsea Beth and Adam Martínez.
Email Adam at adam.martinez17 [AT] with headshot and resume for an audition slot taking
place at 1023 Springdale Rd., Building 3, Austin, TX 78721, August 5th and 6th from 6:30p until 8p.