Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of a Christmas Carol
by Georgetown Palace Theatre

Oct. 08 (2018)

In a festive mood, the ladies mount another assault on the classics with their stage version of A Christmas Carol. They enthusiastically portray a dizzy array of characters from the Dickensian favorite (and a few which aren't), engineer some novel audience participation while bravely contending with an intrusive PA system and a real Farndale first rap their vocal cords and feet around two original, show stopping songs. 

Director: Jonathan Young  Stage Manager: Maria Kruger

“In a festive mood, the ladies of the Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society mount another assault on the classics with their stage version of A Christmas Carol. They enthusiastically portray a dizzy array of characters from the Dickensian favorite (and a few which aren’t), engineer some novel audience participation while bravely contending with an intrusive PA system and a real Farndale first rap their vocal cords and feet around two original, show-stopping songs.”

MRS. REECE – elegant, bossy, enterprising; 50s
THELMA – quick-tempered prima donna; late 40s 
GORDON – long-suffering stage manager, frozen-faced and monotonous when acting; age immaterial 
FELICITY – nervous, well-meaning but incompetent actress; late 20s 
MERCEDES – phlegmatic yet dogged; not young

All roles can be male or female

Audition Dates/Times

Auditions will be held Saturday, October 6, 2018, from 2:30-5:30 pm and Sunday, October 7th,  7:00-10 pm.  Auditions will be held in the Palace Playhouse 817 S Austin Ave. Georgetown TX 78626 (across the street from the Palace Theatre).

Come prepared to perform a 1-minute monologue.  While memorized is preferred, prepared is awesome! Improvisational talents/experience a bonus!

Callbacks are posted online on the Palace website. 

Callbacks are Monday, October 8th at 7:15 pm and will be by invitation only.  Callbacks will consist of reading selected sides from the script.  

Auditions are scheduled online via the Palace website. You will fill out the audition form, sign up for a time, and fill out the conflict calendar as well as have the ability to upload your resume and a headshot.

You will receive an email confirming your appointment. If you are unable to attend any of the audition times please send us an email and we will try to work with you to schedule an alternative time.

Click here to fill out the form, add conflicts, and upload your headshot and resume.

We will be distributing the scripts as soon casting is done, and ask everyone to be familiar with the script by the first rehearsal.



Cast members will be asked to be very familiar with the script by the start of the rehearsal process, which begins Monday, October 22nd, with read-through, introductions & table-work.  Rehearsals are Monday-Thursdays 7pm-10 Saturdays 1pm-5pm. One week prior to opening will include full weekend rehearsals and earlier weeknight calls.

Performance Note: Performances run November 30th to December 30th Friday/Saturday at 7:30 pm Sundays at 2 pm, However, the Palace requests that the cast be available the final two weekends of performances for the possible addition of Saturday matinee or Sunday evening performances. You will need to indicate your availability for such an event at call-backs.

If you have any questions, please email productions@georgetownpalace.com.

General Info.

Everyone involved with the production must submit to a background check at the Palace’s expense. If you are cast, you’ll receive a secure link where you can fill it out. There is no cost to you.

The Georgetown Palace Theatre is 501c3 Non-profit organization. There is no compensation for any of the actors.

We practice non-traditional casting, so all abilities, gender, and Ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to participate.

If you have any questions, please email productions@georgetownpalace.com.