by Salvage Vanguard Theater

Jun. 16 (2018)

Peerless by Jihae Park, is a biting, strange, vicious, dark comedy about two Asian-American high school seniors, who will do whatever it takes to earn that minority scholarship to “The College,” including eliminating their competition. Directed by Megan Tabaque.

Open- Call Auditions for Peerless by Jihae Park
Saturday, June 16 10 am- 2 pm (sign-up required)


Looking For: 3 women, 2 men - seeking sharp actors that can work with FAST dialogue and youthful physicality.

M & L- Twin sisters. High school age. Asian - both obsessive, nerdy, a little deranged. M has a soft spot. L is not soft at all.

BF- M’s boyfriend. High school age. Black - studious, calm, and rightly suspicious of people.  

D / doubles as D’s BROTHER- Looks (really) white. High school age. 1/16 Native American. So sullen it’s charming.

DIRTY GIRL/  (doubles as PREPPY GIRL)- Any ethnicity. High school age. aka Caroline aka That Weird Girl in High School You Know The One.

Sign up:
Callbacks will be held on Sunday, June 17 6 pm - 9 pm
The show performs Oct 11th- 27th 2018.

1 to 2 minute(s) monologues or other performance texts of choice. Actors may then be asked to cold read from the script.

Hicks House at Austin Seminary
Turn into the Seminary from E. 30th St. It will be a left turn if you're coming from Speedway and a right turn if you're coming from Guadalupe. 
Follow the campus road all the way down until it curves left and dead ends. Hicks House will be at the end and on the left (you'll see picnic tables & a playground). Park in any of the available spots.